Sports in greenways


Sigway aims to promote sport and healthy leisure activities outdoors by stimulating sports activities offer in greenways and potential greenways, while raising awareness on environmental issues and circular economy. Moreover, Sigway aims at  enhancing sports field employability and local economies

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general objectives

project's main aims


Identify the possibilities and potentialities of current sports offer in greenways amongst the respective greenways network of the participant countries.


Increase the popularity of greenways through the design of a sports offer based on them, updated and specifically adapted to the different target groups that the project involves.


Impulse and strengthen the use of greenways as open-air sports infrastructure through a specific strategy and guidelines addressed to stakeholders of sports and rural areas in which potentially greenways are located.

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three pillars

on which the partnership will work

01/ Research on sports existing offer in Greenways

We’ll look at good practices and Innovative sport activities that are organised in greenways or that could be transferable. In parallel, a mapping of potential new greenways will be developed where all partners will identify potential greenways in their regions.

02/ Develop a Sports Activities Programme & Sport Training of Trainers (SToT)

With the expertise from partners and the STOT the project aims at developing an adapted Sports activities Programme for Greenways. Each partner will pilot with a different target group and a relevant topic. Besides, the Sports Activities will aim at dealing with transversal topics such as environmental awareness and circular economy.

03/ Design a Strategy for Sport Activities Programs in Greenways

The entire consortium will work with key stakeholders and municipalities at a national level organizing Focus Groups and a dissemination event to analyze and propose implementation possibilities to enhance local economy and revitalize abandoned areas through sport. Furthermore, by the end of the project an European Stakeholders Multiplier Event will be host in Belgium by the European Greenways Association.

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expected results

to promote sport and leisure activities


National reports the current network of sport greenways in each country


Handbook: 7 cases of successful sport activities in greenways


Interactive Map of Potential Greenways


Sports Programmes adapted to different target groups


Strategy & guidelines on how to recover and transform unused GW’s and abandoned railways into actively used sport infrastructure


Promotional video


Project website

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about us

partnership members
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What's new