Focus group in Portugal

ADCS Carvalhais in Portugal organized two Focus Groups on the last 14 and 15 May.

These focus groups had a total of 11 participants representing 6 organisations from the North of Portugal: Tua Regional Park Association, Junta de Freguesia de Carvalhais, Development Association for the Terra Quente Region, Municipality of Amarante, Municipality of Marco de Canaveses and the Intermunicipality Community of Tâmega and Sousa.

As a summary of the long discussion, we can say that all stakeholders agree and can identify potential, opportunities and utility in the conversion of the identified Potential Greenways in Future Greenways. We can also say that the conversions of the Railways in Greenways, in this moment, it’s not the first option for the stakeholders in both Focus Groups, because of political priorities related with the mobility of the populations but everybody agrees that it can be a very good “Plan B”.