
Douro Railway (from Pocinho till Barca de Alva)

offers on website: website: website: website: website: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. The railway has a 200 Km extension from Porto till Barca de Alva near the border with Spain. The potential greenway it’s the last kilometers between Pocinho and Braca de Alva in a extension of 29 Km. There are only two big stations in the last 29 km; all the other buildings are small train stops. Total distance: 19386 mTotal climbing: 3 mTotal descent: 0 m Total distance: 19386 m Total distance: 19386 m Total climbing: 3 m Total climbing: 3 m Total descent: 0 m Total descent: 0 m The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Credits: The Brave Ones Potential users are pedestrians, bicycles, mountain bikes, runners and horse riders. There is no information on a plan for trasforming this railway into a greenway. At this moment the railway it’s abandoned. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. The railway it’s always near the Douro River, the view is amazing. There is a historic train from Pocinho to Porto. On the Spanish side it has been created the Iron Road for tourist use https://www.caminodehierro.es. Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Credits: Espirito Viajante Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the future, if the line were to become a greenway, it will depend on the type of surface that can be installed on the ground. Considering the characteristics, user can currently hike. In the

Douro Railway (from Pocinho till Barca de Alva) Read More »

Tâmega Railway (between Livração and Amarante)

website: website: website: website: website: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER look at this now Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: It’s a 12,77 Km railway in the valley of the Tâmega River, it was inaugurated in 1909 and crosses 6 villages till it finishes in the city of Amarante. This short railway has 3 bridges. It’s a 12,77 Km railway in the valley of the Tâmega River, it was inaugurated in 1909 and crosses 6 villages till it finishes in the city of Amarante. This short railway has 3 bridges. It’s a 12,77 Km railway in the valley of the Tâmega River, it was inaugurated in 1909 and crosses 6 villages till it finishes in the city of Amarante. This short railway has 3 bridges. It’s a 12,77 Km railway in the valley of the Tâmega River, it was inaugurated in 1909 and crosses 6 villages till it finishes in the city of Amarante. This short railway has 3 bridges. Total distance: 8646 mTotal climbing: 0 mTotal descent: -32 m Total distance: 8646 m Total distance: 8646 m Total climbing: 0 m Total climbing: 0 m Total descent: -32 m Total descent: -32 m All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. All the villages have small buildings or small train stops, but the main station building it’s in the city of Amarante. From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega From Amarante to Arco de Baúlhe – Cabeceiras de Basto, the greenway is already transformed (39 km).   https://www.ippatrimonio.pt/pt-pt/ecopistas-ip-patrimonio/ecopista-do-tamega Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential activities depend on the type of surface they can install on the ground. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. Potential users are pedestrians, runners and mountain bikers. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet. If there is a plan for transforming this railway into a greenway, it’s not public yet.

Tâmega Railway (between Livração and Amarante) Read More »

Tua Railway (from Carvalhais till the Tua Station)

website: website: website: website: website: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: Owner/holder of the abandoned railway: IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER IP Património/REFER gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: gpx file: This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. This is a long railway with 58,138 Km, the region it’s Trás-os-Montes, and this is a mountain area with hills, cliffs, valleys and lots of tunnels and bridges. Most of the railway goes always near the Tua River till the place where the Tua River connects Douro River that follows across the Douro valley till the Atlantic Ocean in the city of Porto. Total distance: 39993 mTotal climbing: 5 mTotal descent: -139 m Total distance: 39993 m Total distance: 39993 m Total climbing: 5 m Total climbing: 5 m Total descent: -139 m Total descent: -139 m This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Credits: Duarte Belo Potential users are Pedestrians, Runners, Bikes and Mountain Bikes, Skaters or Roller Skaters. For the horse riders it will depend on the surface that they will put in the greenway in the future because a hard surface it will be bad of the horses. At this moment for this 58,138 Km there’s no known plan. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. This 58,138 Km long railway has lots of small stations in almost all villages that are crossed by the railway, eg. the village of Carvalhais. The biggest and most beautiful train station it’s in the city of Mirandela. Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Credits: Portugal Ferroviário Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.   Considering the characteristics, the potential activities are cycling, walking, running and skating.

Tua Railway (from Carvalhais till the Tua Station) Read More »